Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Davidovich Stands With Ukraine

Davidovich Stands With Ukraine

February 24, 2022 (NYC)Davidovich Stands With Ukraine.  As most people know, Davidovich Bakery's founders were born in Kyiv, Ukraine.  This region has become the center of the world's focus as the lives, health, and safety of innocent people are threatened in this modern tragedy.  While these men are proud Americans, they are also Ukrainian by birth; they have family members living in fear in this occupied region of the world.

#WeStandWithUkraine, as we stand with all oppressed and disenfranchised people all over the world.   The history of Bagels as a cultural food is tied to people who have struggled throughout history at the hands of oppression and discrimination.

Please visit our store at the Essex Street Market,  88 Essex Street, NY, NY 10002, or any of our NYC Davidovich locations.  For all bagel sales taking place at our store locations for Friday-Sunday we will be donating a portion of the proceeds to Razom.   This is a non-political relief organization helping the people of Ukraine who have lost homes, property, and in some cases, lives.

If you wish to donate to this cause you can visit Razom, or we will accept donations and render them on your behalf.

To find out more about Davidovich's Founding and History you can visit:  www.allnp.com
Thank you for your support.
#WeStandWithUkraine #StandwithUkraine

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Food Americana Author David Page on Davidovich's Bagel Talk

Food Americana Author David Page on Davidovich's Bagel Talk

February 17, 2022 (NYC)-Author and Journalist, David Page, joins Comedian Joseph Pontillo to discuss his newest book, Food Americana.  Food Americana is an anthology collection of stories about cuisine that has become uniquely identified as American.   Bagels are an important part of this legacy and a chapter in David's great book.  This is a terrific and exciting new episode of Bagel Talk.

Food Americana is available on Amazon and everywhere books are sold.  It is a must read for anyone who loves food and who has a craving for bagels, pizza, American Chinese Food, and more.

David Page changed the world of food television by creating, developing, and executive-producing the groundbreaking show Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. Now from this two-time Emmy winner comes Food Americana, an entertaining mix of food culture, pop culture, nostalgia, and everything new on the American plate.