Thursday, April 17, 2014

Radio Interview With Maria Balinska

Radio Interview With Maria Balinska

April 17, 2014-  Below is a great radio interview with Bagel Expert and Davidovich Bagel fan, Maria  Balinska, author of THE BAGEL: A SHORT HISTORY OF A MODEST BREAD

Conversations with Voice of the Arts

Maria Balinska – The Bagel

Maria Balinska – The Bagel
Maria Balinska is the author of the new book, The Bagel, an authoritative history of that humble but iconic breadstuff. Balinska sorts fact and fiction as she traces the history of the bagel back through centuries and civilizations, documenting its evolving treatment by bakers, artisans, comic, painters, and even poets. During the holiday of Passover, Jews are not supposed to eat leavened bread and the bagel is perhaps the ultimate pop-culture representation of both leavened bread and Jewish cuisine.
CWVA - Maria Balinska - The Bagel