Saturday, April 27, 2013

Davidovich Bakery Helps Feed the Hungry

Davidovich Bakery Helps Feed the Hungry
                  By Katherine Sabal

As a food manufacturer in the great City of New York, Davidovich Bakery does what it can to give back to the community.  As many know, hunger is a huge problem in New York City where approximately 2.9 million people have difficulty affording food for themselves and their family.  Davidovich Bakery realizes this city-wide issue and tries to help by donating the excess bagels that they produce to various food pantries and feed the hungry programs throughout the city.

This March alone, Davidovich Bakery donated 1,725 pounds of bagels to City Harvest, a well-established 30 year old organization dedicated to “Rescuing Food for New York’s Hungry.” CityHarvest expects to collect more than 40 million pounds of food this year alone.  The food they collect is delivered free of charge to nearly 600 community food programs throughout New York City.

DavidovichBakery also donates to the Food Bank for New York City. Similar to City Harvest, this organization works to fight hunger in three ways – through food distribution, income support, and nutrition organization.  Food Bank distributes food to over 1,000 community based member programs citywide.

Just a few months ago, New York City was faced with another hardship in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.  Many lost homes and were, and some still are, without adequate food and shelter.  Davidovich Bakery lent a hand by donating bagels to the Hurricane Sandy Relief Foundation.

But Davidovich Bakery also contributes on a smaller scale, counting Bnos Menachem, a Jewish school for girls in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, as one of their recipients of donated bagels.

And in its mission to help tackle the issue of hunger in the city, Davidovich Bakery does not forget the community to which it belongs.  Donations are made on a weekly basis to the very successful food pantry at nearby church Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians Church, a.k.a “St. Mary’s ”.  Sister Mary Conroy’s Food Pantry is open every Thursday to hand out donated foods in an effort to alleviate hunger in Woodside, Queens and surrounding neighborhoods.

Hunger is a big problem in New York City.  But the city is fortunate enough to have so many organizations, big and small, working to help fight the fight on hunger.  If you or your organization would like to help by contributing to any of these organizations or if you would just like to learn more, you can get more information at the links and contact information listed below.

Also, let us know what you do to give back to the community. Please share your experiences of giving back or being the recipient of generosity from community groups in our comments section. We would like to hear from you!

St. Mary’s Church : 718-672-4848 – Lourdes LaPolla (Coordinator of Sister Mary Conroy’s Food Pantry)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Davidovich Bakery To Sponsor 2013 TD Five Boro Bike Tour

Davidovich Bakery - Proud Sponsor of the 2013 TD Five Boro Bike Tour
            By Katherine Sabal

Davidovich Bakery is proud to be a sponsor of the TD Five Boro Bike Tour for the second year in a row! This year’s event, which takes place on Sunday May 5th, is expected to draw an estimated 32,000 people. Davidovich Bakery will lend its support by providing nutritious and delicious mini bagels to bike tour participants at rest stops set up along the way.

So, what exactly is the TD Five Boro Bike Tour? Well, this annual event draws people from all over, inviting many to cycle through 40 miles of traffic free city streets in all five boroughs.  This year’s tour starts in Manhattan at Battery Park. From there, cyclists travel uptown and into the Bronx, down into Queens, on into Brooklyn and finally end at Fort Wadsworth on Staten Island where a finish line festival will be set up with fun, music and food.

The FiveBoro Bike Tour is an event that has grown by leaps and bounds since its humble beginnings as “The Five Boro Challenge” in 1977. That year, the first tour was started and arranged by Eric Prager and Sal Cirami. Prager was commissioned by the NYC Department of Education to create a bicycle safety program and Cirami worked for the school lunch program. Together they came up with an idea for a bike tour throughout New York City. They and a committee of people worked to get things started.  On June 10, 1977, 250 people, including 50-60 high school students, participated in the first ever NYC bike tour. Today, more than 30,000 people participate on traffic free streets – it wasn’t so back then – and their achievements are celebrated with a finish line festival.

Davidovich Bakery is extremely proud to be a part of this event that celebrates and promotes cycling in New York City, an eco-friendly form of fun and transportation for everyone.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



Members of the Executive Team at All Natural Products Davidovich Bakery attended the 2013 Immigrant Heritage week breakfast at Gracie Mansion on Wednesday April 17, 2013.  This event was hosted by Mayor Michael Bloomberg in conjunction with NYC Mayor's Office on Immigrant Affairs.  This important event demonstrates the City's understanding of the importance of the rich, immigrant population to the intellectual, social, and economic fabric of the City.  Companies like Davidovich Bakery understand the rich contributions of the immigrant population to NYC and the Nation and we celebrate the opportunities afforded to immigrant entrepreneurs every day.   The event showcased locally prepared delicacies from immigrant formed, NYC companies and featured brief remarks by Mayor Bloomberg and NYC Immigrant Affairs Commissioner Fatima Shama as a kick off the Immigrant Heritage Week.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

When Is Flour Yoshon?

When Is Flour Yoshon?

Yoshon Literally mean old.   This is not to imply that that products that are labeled Yoshon are old in the negative sense.  Old used in the context of Yoshon refers to whether or not flour, specifically from Wheat, Oats, Spelt, Rye, and Barley, was planted prior to, or after the "16th of Nissan", which translates to the second day of Passover.   Flour from these grains, planted prior to Passover is consider Yoshon, or old,  under Jewish Dietary Laws.   This flour is acceptable to use after harvest and milling.  Flour from grains planted after Passover, or new,  should not be used until after the following Passover in order to comply.

While the timing may seem arbitrary at first reaction, the laws actually are quite sensible.  The notion, in a secular context, holds true as aging is an important part of healthful and nutritious grain production and harvesting.  Today many companies circumvent the natural aging of grains in flour production through the use of chemicals and artificial conditioners, while companies like Davidovich Bakery use all natural, aged, high gluten flour in the production of their Davidovich Bagels.   An additional benefit of the Yoshon timing rules is that it, by implication, insures that flour from cycle to cycle is segregated and, therefore, limits waste and insures the flour your are getting is not stale. Whether consumers are religious or not, they should seek products for optimum health that follow these types of natural guidelines.  For many, the concept of Yoshon helps to guide that decision.